Meanderings around Europe by train – and other stuff

Drawings from the trip (don't get excited!)

In my Top Travel Tips I suggested that drawing helps to build memories more than photographs do. Here's the drawings / sketches from the summer 2024 trip.

It's possible I might do one or two more over the next couple of days, but I'll try to remember to include any in the daily blog post.

This is from the promenade when we were trying to find shade


This is the Muther Turm


In the Alte Markt at Stralsund IMG_a20240618_111029_890_1

And this is from the park at Stralsund IMG_a20240618_111040_593_1

Here's Wismar Harbour (strangely devoid of life!) IMG_a20240618_111047_700_1

A quick & dirty one from the Kunstfest Pankow IMG_a20240618_111054_846_1

And very early in the trip here's the windmill in Haarlem 1000017700Haarlem